Joe Oliver Lusk, II known as "Joe-Joe" was born August 06, 1986, to Joe and Sharon Lusk in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was preceded in death by his father, grandparents, three uncles, and one aunt. "Joe-Joe" attended Cleveland Bailey Elementary School, Monroney Middle School, and Midwest City High School from which he graduated in May of 2004. An avid sports fan, he loved the Green Bay Packers, he also enjoyed basketball in which his favorite team was the L.A. Lakers with Kobe Bryant being his favorite player. "Joe-Joe" was also very passionated about his family, friends, and Facebook(LOL). Though usually characterized as quiet, he was actually quite vocal - especially about his salvation. He leaves to cherish his memory: his mother, Sharon; his big brother Desean; two nieces, Quenasia and Deasia of Germany; Grandaddy Eddie(Theresa) of Winter Haven, FL; and a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, other relatives and friends. "When you walk in my shoes for a couple of days, you'll understand why I walk with a purpose." Joe O. Lusk, II